After having great response for Galaxy Grand from Android phone users, Samsung has introduced its second version in Q4 of year 2013. The main focus was to cover all the things which been lacking on former handset. With new quad-core processor, little big screen, 50% more RAM, and many more modification, the handset was launched with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean operating system. Being popular, and enormous, its leads to many developers to show their creativity.
To get more from this handset, the first, and most crucial step is to root it. Rooting Galaxy Grand 2 will allow you to get access to its actual power, and hardware capabilities. Apart, you’ll be able to use very powerful, and essential root applications such as LinkSD, Rom Manger, etc. Also root is required by most of the Roms for their installation, and somewhat good to improve its usability, and customize it in your own way.
Remember, root will void the device warranty because it is against the term, and conditions of mobile manufacture company. But it can be undo by un-root the device by following respective guide. To start the process, read all the pre-requisites listed below, and make sure to prepare the device according to them.
- This guide, and rooting tool is only for Samsung Galaxy Grand 2 SM-G7102, and meant not be tried on any other model or device. Make sure to check the device model under phone’s settings.
- Well it optional to back up your device, but for complete safety of own, you can save all the data, apps, and games stored under the phone’s memory to safe location. You can follow our backup guide for non-root user to proceed.
- Turn USB debugging “On” on the device. To enable it, go phone’s Settings->Developers options->check to USB debugging there. It is very crucial step, so don’t skip it.
- You need a Windows-based PC with internet connectivity to download the root files. A USB cable to connect your device to PC, and make sure that you have installed proper device driver on PC. If you haven’t installed yet, then go here to download the drivers, and install them to PC.
- If you don’t know what you are doing then don’t do it in any manner, rooting procedure is simple, but you should know what actually you are doing.
→ Get the rooting tools package from here.
After downloading “.zip”, extract it on your PC, under it you’ll get two files:
- CF-Auto-Root.tar
- Odin3-v1.85.exe
Or Get Odin Tool from here.
Remember them, we need them for further process.
Root Galaxy Grand 2
- First, on PC, under the extracted files, look for “Odin3-v1.85.exe”, and run it. A Odin program window will appear.
- Now turn off the phone, and wait for 5-7 seconds.
- Now press and hole Volume Down + Home + Power buttons together until a Warning! message gets appeared on screen. Once it appears, release the buttons, and press Volume Up to proceed to “download mode”.
- Now connect the device to PC using a USB cable, and look on Odin program, a “Added!” message will appear on it. That means, you device has been detected successfully.
- Now, on Odin program window, click on PDA button, then find and locate the “CF-Auto-Root.tar” file from the extracted zip.
- On Odin program, make sure “Re-Partition” is unchecked. And don’t make any other changes.
- Click on “Start” button to start the rooting process. It will take only few minutes to complete. Once it completed, a “Pass!” will get appear on Odin program.
Now you can disconnect the device from the PC, and it will boot up to home screen. A new application named, SuperSU will be listed in you app menu, that means you have successfully rooted your device.