Telegram is a messaging application that includes bots, automatic tools that publish information on a given topic. Therefore, we have this list of best bots for Telegram to get the most out of this instant messaging platform, automate actions, perform certain tasks, reach more audiences, and much more.
Bots came to Telegram in 2015 and since then they have been growing in popularity and use. The main feature of bots is that there is no one to manage them behind, but they respond to commands.
Usually, the bots are in charge of a certain topic or task so it is easier to locate and follow them according to the interests of each user.
The operation of the bots is quite simple, they can be searched as if they were any other type of user. You can search directly by putting the name of the bot with the @ in front of it or in the search box at the top of the list of chats.
Among the thousands of bots in Telegram, you can find many really useful bots on countless subject areas. We leave you a compilation of the best bots for Telegram so you can get the most out of them.
Also see:
List of Best Bots for Telegram 2021
Here is an interesting compilation of the best bots for Telegram that will help you simplify processes and tasks.
@vkmusic_bot. If you are one of those who listen to music all the time, but you don’t have songs on your mobile you can listen to your favorite songs through this bot. All you have to do is search for it, join it and type the name of the artist. From the list that appears choose the song and turn up the speakers to listen to it.
@pdfbot. If you want to edit any PDF file you have come to the right bot. It allows you to extract images, join two files or even put a watermark.
@raebot. If you need to look up any word in the dictionary of the Real Academia Española de la Lengua you can do it quickly through this bot. Any query will be solved.
@voicybot. This bot is very useful to convert any file from voice to text. If you enter it and send it an audio file, it will return its transcription to text.
@YTranslateBot. If you need a text translator this bot fulfills its function efficiently. You only have to search for it and enter the text to translate. Then hit send and it will return the translated text to the language you have chosen.
Best Bots to Manage Telegram Groups
In addition to disseminating content there are also bots to manage Telegram groups easily, among the best known and most popular is Group Butler (@groupbutler_bot).
This is one of the most complete bots to manage a large Telegram group or chat. Among the advantages of using it is the ease of management to set rules in the chat, put welcome messages, moderate conversations, give warnings, as well as set other actions automatically.
Another of these bots is Controller Bot (@controllerbot). This bot is aimed at channel administrators. Among the functions it gives you is the ability to create scheduled publications, insert reaction buttons, and other tools that make your publications much more attractive.
Top Telegram Bots for Flirting
Turning Telegram into space to find a partner is also possible with Telegram bots for flirting.
This way you can have a little Tinder within this messaging app thanks to the Flirtu_bot bot (@Flirtu_bot). You just have to join this bot and then configure it in the language we want to use it and other preferences.
Then contacts will appear and you will have to choose or discard them depending on whether you like their description as in other applications for flirting.