Contact Us

You’re most welcome to contact us!

Whether there’s a problem that bothering you or you’re seeking some information regarding a mobile phone, laptop or gadget, you can reach us.

Get solutions to your tech problems?

We would be happy to entertain your requests, provide solutions to problems you’re facing on your device, provide suggestions and appropriate information.

If there’s bug or issue you’re facing, then while writing to us, ensure that you provide sufficient information about that. You can attach images or files for better understanding. That will help us provide a generous solution.

All queries related to problems and bugs should be sent to

Advertise with us

We would be very happy towards contributing our efforts in building an audience for your business and reach goals. There are multifold of ways that we could advertise on our website.

All queries related to advertisements should be written to this email Id

Please allow us some time reach you back.

Tips and suggestions are most welcomed.