Apps that pay to walk, exercise, lose weight or get fit. Yes apps can help make any process easier. But if they give back some of what they earn in money all the better. Here’s a list of best apps that pay you to walk, exercise, and be fit!
There were already many apps that count steps, track weight loss and other physical health progress. And now there are apps that offer rewards for fitness. These apps pay you to walk, stay fit, lose weight, or just move.
List of best Apps that pay for walking or getting in shape
1. WeWard: earn money by walking
A French application dedicated to fight against sedentary lifestyles. This application that rewards walking, encourages daily sports practice through a reward system.
WeWard adopts an eco-responsible approach and pursues 3 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN in Agenda 2030.
WeWard, take the first step towards wellness. The WHO recommends 10,000 steps a day to stay fit.
Physical inactivity is considered the fourth leading risk factor for death worldwide.
Promoting alternative mobility means preserving the planet.
Walking is the least polluting means of transport with zero carbon impact.
Local dynamism
Take advantage of your walks to visit nearby places.
Walking allows you to discover or rediscover your city, your cultural sites and your stores.
Each step you take is transformed into digital currency (Wards) that you can redeem for offers, exchanges or donations in the app’s Marketplace. The more you walk, the more this app will reward you.
How much is a Ward worth?
- 1 Ward = 0,005€ – So, 100 Wards = 0,50€.
- How many steps do I have to take to earn 1 Ward?
- The first level of 1,500 steps gives you 1 Ward,
- The second level of 3.000 steps gives you 2 more Wards,
- The third level of 6,500 steps gives you 3 more Wards,
- The fourth level of 10,000 steps gives you 4 more Wards,
- The fifth level of 15,000 steps gives you 5 more Wards,
- The last level of 20,000 steps gives you 10 more Wards.
So you can earn up to 25 Wards a day by redeeming your steps.
Users have the possibility to redeem their earned points in the Marketplace integrated in the app. Even when the phone is in your pocket, the app counts your steps thanks to the smartphone’s geolocation and pedometer.
Does the app count my steps when I am offline?
The step counter works even if you are not connected to the Internet. However, it is necessary to have a connection to redeem your steps.
I forgot to redeem my steps yesterday, can I get my Wards back today?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to retrieve the Wards of the previous day. It is mandatory that you click on each day. This can be done at the end of the day or after your rides. If you do not do this, you will not get your Wards back for the day and we will not be able to give them to you.
In the application, we offer the possibility to activate a notification to remind you to redeem your steps at the end of each day.
To activate this notification, go to “Settings”, click on “Daily Notifications” and then “Enable step validation reminder”.
This is one of the most affordable pay-as-you-walk apps. You can earn money without investing.
- Google Play Ratings: 3.4 Reviews: 31,923
- App Store Ratings: 4.2 Reviews: 10,200
- Download WeWard: earn money walking for Android / iPhone.
2. StepBet: Get Active & Stay Fit
StepBet is an app developed by WayBetter with which you can reach your fitness goals by basically betting on yourself.
This is another one of the apps that pay for walking. In StepBet you bet money together with a group of other participants, all with the purpose of reaching health and fitness goals while staying active.
Participants only get their money back if they reach their fitness goals. However, if they do not reach their goals, they lose all the money they wagered.
This system of having to put up some money, then having to meet the physical challenge to get it back and possibly earn additional money, is quite effective.
It is the only way for the person to really get motivated, if they have to get their money back (hehe).
How does StepBet work?
StepBet works in 5 simple steps:
- Get a personalized weekly step goal.
- Place your bet to reach this goal over the course of a game (most games last 6 weeks).
- Join the game.
- Reach your weekly goal.
- Earn money!
When you have set your custom step goals, you are finally ready to join a game and bet on yourself to win back or win money!
A game consists of a group of players betting money into a pot. Winnings are distributed at the end of the game to players who have completed the challenge (if you do not reach a weekly passing target, you will be excluded from the game).
The average game lasts about 6 weeks and requires an average wager of $40. There are games that require different amounts of money and time duration.
Most groups are made up of 300 players. If we calculate stakes of $40 per person, we have a $12,000 cash jackpot to be distributed among those who complete the game.
But StepBet needs to win money too, so it takes 15% of the gross jackpot amount. So for the winners to make a profit, 15% of the players must have dropped out before the game is over.
That is the average regular dropout rate in each competition. But even if everyone finishes the challenge at least you won’t lose money if you complete the challenges and win the game. The company guarantees that you will at least get back the money you invested anyway.
To cash out when you win a game, the money will be deposited as points in your StepBet account.
These points can be used to bet on a new game or cashed out through a PayPal account within 48 hours.
StepBet one of the apps that pay to walk, but you have to put some money in and then meet the challenge to get it back and win some more.
- Google Play Ratings: 4.6 Reviews: 6,799
- App Store Ratings: 4.8 Reviews: 14,700
- Download StepBet for Android / iPhone
3. HealthyWage
HealthyWage is an app that allows you to bet that you will lose a set amount of weight over an agreed upon period of time.
You choose your weight loss goals, duration in time and bet amount. If you win your bet, you get your money back plus a prize. If you lose, you don’t get your money back.
It’s a great motivator to lose that weight! When there’s money involved, especially if it’s yours and you stand to lose it. Hehe.
How does HealthyWage work?
HealthyWage works to help you lose weight with a double incentive approach:
If you don’t reach your goal you will lose your money.
If you reach your goal, you’ll get your money back, and you’ll earn more money.
Use the HealthyWage calculator to enter how much weight you want to lose, how much time you want to lose, and how much money you want to bet to reach your goal.
The HealthyWage calculator will show you how much money you can earn if you reach your goal.
You can pay your wager immediately or pay it monthly. The minimum bet you can make is $100 total and the maximum bet you can make depends on your goals.
The maximum prize you can win is $10,000 (for team challenges).
To use the HealthyWage system you must have a weight loss goal of at least 10% of your current body weight. In addition, your time goal must be between 6 and 18 months.
If you have reached your weight loss goal at the end of the set time period, you will receive the money you have paid in addition to the designated prize earnings.
And if you don’t meet your weight loss goal, HealthyWage keeps the money you’ve wagered.
How does HealthyWage pay?
If you win your challenge, HealthyWage will pay you by mailed check or PayPal.
HealthyWage is one of the most demanding pay-per-walk apps, you can win reasonable amounts of money, but if you don’t follow through you lose it all.