
What is Data Binding in ReactJS

Glad to see you again! When working with ReactJS, you may have questions about Data Binding and why we need to use it at all. But to understand this, you first need to know why we bind in JavaScript. After that, you will easily realize how it works in the React. So, in this article we will look at three main issues: what is data binding in JavaScript; why do we use it; what is one way binding in React. Let’s start from the beginning!

Data Binding in JavaScript

As you already know, React is an open-source JavaScript library for developing user interfaces. That is why it is so important for you to understand the bind system in JavaScript. Because if you understand it inside Java after that you can easily work with it in ReactJS also. So it totally depends on this scope. So, the bind it’s actually straightforward. All you are doing is binding an object to a function and then you are referencing that object using this keyword.

There are two steps. Firstly, you bind an object to a function and then you reference it using this. To see that, you need to create two fresh objects which are representing an XY coordinate. After that, you’re going to create a function that’s going to print out. Basically just XY coordinate but you can use this function for both objects without using an argument. So we can do this with the bind method. You need to define the function and then this will take as I said no arguments for no parameters inside here, it’s going simply just console. And now you need to bind one of these objects to this function and then call it. So it all works nicely and smoothly.

We bind an object to a function, including it to a function and then referencing it using this keyword. Essentially this is going to change depending on the context and the bind argument.

Understand the one way data binding!

The structure of ReactJS is easier to a developer. You write it and you know it. It’s a lot more understandable (than AngularJS for example) about where the data is flowing and how it’s getting around. Data binding is one way, which means fewer unwanted spillover effects. Data binding is a feature that allows you to synchronize data between the state (model) of the application and the view.

In one-way data binding, any change in the state of the application automatically updates the view. In contrast, two-way data binding binds together properties and events under the same object, that is, any modification to the model updates the view and vice versa. In React, properties are passed from parent to child components, which is called unidirectional data flow, or top to bottom.

The component state is encapsulated and not available to other components unless it is passed to the child component as props, i.e. the component state becomes the child component’s props. But what if you need to propagate data through a component tree? This is done through child events and parent callbacks. The React documentation includes a great model that explains such a scenario. One way data binding makes it much simpler to parse code and find the root cause of problems.


From this article, you can understand that ReactJS stands out from other development programs in that it relies heavily on JavaScript, which you should already know. This fact can be positive for you, depending on how strong your JavaScript skills are. There is one of the concepts that is very often used in React applications and is encountered by all developers. I’m talking about one-way data binding and the keyword ‘this’. React does not perceive ‘this’ in any other way than Java.

It means that you will work with this more in React because it uses classes and constructors to create components. Methods are attached to these components. Components contain their own state and pass down properties to child components. All of these things are referred to using ‘this’ so if you develop a React application, you will be using ‘this’ a lot. As ‘this’ is used in React the same way as in JavaScript, it may be helpful to realize why ‘this is used at all. It comes down to context. When you call a function, ‘this’ determines which object is the focus of the function. Thanks for reading! Hope you found something new and useful.

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