
Huawei Overtakes Apple in Sales: a historic overtaking

Only a few years ago, such a scenario in smartphone sales was totally unimaginable. What are we referring to? To US electronics giant Apple is beaten in terms of smartphones’ sales during a quarter by a Chinese company like Huawei. Anyone who had predicted this would have received a good laugh and maybe even the additional advice to devote himself to something else.

On the contrary, all this really happened during these days but the news is even more incredible for two reasons that we explain immediately. The overtaking occurs in a context of smartphones’ market that is generally decreasing in terms of sales and units sold and, therefore, making such an overtaking has an even greater value.

In this shrinking market, however, Apple has not slowed down, far from it: the Cupertino company indeed has achieved a result perfectly in line with that of the previous quarter still increasing, although slightly, the number of sold smartphones from 41 to 41.3 million.

Huawei has instead been the protagonist of a truly incredible acceleration: the Chinese giant indeed moved from 38.4 million in the second quarter of 2017 to 54.2 of the one just closed. In this truly incredible event, however, other factors play that should not be underestimated.

Apple released its new iPhones some time ago while Huawei launched its latest proposals recently and therefore this aspect certainly played an important role in the overtaking. Undoubtedly, however, the P20 line of phones and the smartphone line of subsidiary Honor proved to be successful beyond expectations, even compared to the already appreciated range of last year.

Apple has, in any case, in the pipeline the launch of the most aggressive iPhone line ever introduced in its history, with three, maybe even more, devices ready to enter the market at the same time. Therefore, we’ll see if a counter-overtaking will occur in the next quarter.

Samsung, on its side, is not too much worried about the 2 litigants, since it remains the company of the industry at the top of sales even if in the headquarter of the Korean company data will be examined. Sales indeed went from 79.5 million units sold in the last quarter, to 71.5 in the last quarter. Even more incredible is the reduction of the gap in numbers with Huawei, which changed from 41.1 million units to 17.3. A difference of much more than half that, in perspective, could lead to an incredible change in the balance of power at the top of the smartphone market.

As a nation, then, China appears to be the undisputed leader in the sector: indeed, putting together the sales of Huawei and Xiaomi (currently the fourth force in the sector), the market share held in the last quarter amounts to 24.6%, that is equal to almost a quarter of all global market sales. The world is, therefore, changing really rapidly in terms of the balance of power among nations, and these data reinforce this even more.

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