PDF is a perfect alternative for our documented files as they have added security and features that enhances our files usability accessibility, security measures that is quite important for us. A PDF(Portable Document Format) file format is one of the most reliable file format to share our files and to create read-only files as well, independent of software versions, or Operating Systems. This offers us to share our files in intended format. You can add any audio and video file, editable forms, your excel files containing charts, graphs etc and much more.
As we all know that we can get Adobe Acrobat reader for free, but what if we want to amend any files, convert pdf to word or just to add extra accessibility files authorizations etc. In such cases, if you are a MAC or Windows user, we have, PDF Editor Pro. It grants full control to you over your files and allows to make any change, save it and to share as well. We had good time with this piece of software, and liked it very much. We will discuss all useful features in more detail in this review of PDF Editor Pro for Mac. If you’re looking for an online PDF editor as well that offers a Windows version, PDFescape Editor for Windows is an excellent option.
Though, there are plenty of such softwares. What makes PDF Editor Pro so special it that it offers even better way to edit PDF files, customized them, covert pdf to word and make them more perfect. You can commit any simple task such as adding or deleting a watermark, updating texts, image, link etc on your file, but also tasks like, joining n number of PDF files into a single file, adding authorization to a file while sharing it multiple users and also you can add your signature to your document for added security.
Main features of PDF Editor Pro for Mac
Editing options
PDF editor Pro helps you with a pack of editing tools that helps you manage your documents. It not only allows you to edit available texts on your file, it also lets you add, remove, crop, or rotate the images on your files.
You can also rearrange pages on your file as well. And one more thing, you can also split a single page into two different pages as per your choice. This also lets you change layout of a PDF file as well.
Markup tools
It offers us a range of useful mark up and annotation tools to let the receiver know about your opinion. You can use from a variety of markup and annotation tools to emphasis on some text, or data available on a file.
You can add sticky notes or comment about any data, or image on that file, also can underline or highlight any specific line on your PDF. It also allows you to add or remove watermark on your fill as well.
File Conversion
It is one of the most important feature we require while working with PDF files, that’s ease of converting any file format into PDF files, either a web page file, word or excel file, plaint text or a simple image file.
You won’t feel any issue while converting any file to a PDF file format using PDF editor PRO.
Optical Character Recognition(OCR)
OCR technology can be very beneficial sometimes, as if you want to make changes to a scanned document. A Scanned document is like an image, and you cannot make any amendments to text available on that file without a proper tool.
Here, PDF editor tool comes into picture, and it lets you make changes to that scanned copy of a document. This also supports multiple OCR languages, like, English, Spanish, German, Portuguese and much more.
Form Filler and Creator
PDF Editor Pro lets you fill both Interactive and Non-Interactive forms. You can also create a new form file and add it up to any of your PDF file as well. You can also add any new text field or buttons to your file.
It also helps you with associated field properties or tab numbers that makes it more convenient for you to amend. This software also provides you with some form templates for free to download. Amazing!
It offers you with various layers of security for your files. For the start, you can protect files using password and permissions to your files as the first level of security you wish to add-on your file. Further, you can also add custom stamp or e-signature for that extra authentication and security.
You can batch various authorization levels depending upon your requirement, as we can understand that you don’t want allow every one to make changes to your file. However, you can give authorization to add sticky notes to your file against the receiver’s views.
You can also add a Digital Signature or stamp to your files to restrict anyone else to access that file instead of you. You can do so with personalized handwritten or image signature.
Easy Sharing
PDF editor Pro lets you share your files with your friends or family without any issue. There are few modes you can use to share your files, firstly, you can directly take a print out of your file from within the program.
Or, attach that file to your Email while composing, else, you can also upload file directly to DropBox.
And in case, if you file too large to be shared via email or Dropbox, then you can compress that file without affecting its quality. For that, we have a tool and after that you can share that file without any obstacle.
Wrap up
After going to all this information, I guess that it worth a try. This offers us lots of features and it always has a potential to solve any issue related to our PDF arrangements and requirements. it starts from helping you creating a PDF file, to edit any existing file either text or image. Extra security of files is a necessity.
You can give go for its Trial version first and can purchase it at a price of $99.95. This software is 100% secure and doesn’t any malicious software or malware. It comes with 20 days money back guarantee as well. In case you see this software does not work as per your expectation, go ahead, and get refund.
That ends our round-up about this PDF editor tool. We’ll be bringing more reviews, and useful stuff. Don’t forget to share your thoughts, and experience about this too. We would love to see your comments below.