
How To Listen To WhatsApp Audio Before Sending Them

This is how you can listen to the audio before sending them on WhatsApp.

This is how you can listen to the audio before sending them on WhatsApp. WhatsApp is the most widely used messaging application par excellence for communication. To the classic text messages via chat, the possibility of sending audios was later added. Now the app comes with a new function, we show you how to listen to WhatsApp audios before sending them.

WhatsApp currently has two billion active users worldwide. Every day 100 billion messages are sent through this messaging application. The volume of information that moves through the app is, as you can see, enormous.

In addition to text messages, Mark Zuckerberg’s company, the owner of WhatsApp, has long since implemented the function of sending audio or voice notes via the app. This way of communicating is ideal for saving time or for people who don’t feel like or don’t like writing text messages.

Until now, you could record the message in audio and send it directly to the recipient. But WhatsApp has included a new function that allows you to listen to the audio before sending it. Here’s how to listen to WhatsApp audios before sending them.

To find out how to listen to WhatsApp audios before sending them, open the WhatsApp app and follow the steps explained below:

  1. Enter the conversation where you want to send the audio and press the microphone icon, without releasing it, move it to the padlock.
  2. Then record the audio and when you are done click on the red button in the centre.
  3. An audio note will now appear. To listen to it before sending it, click on the grey “play” icon.
  4. If you don’t like it once you have listened to it, click on the bin icon to delete it.
  5. If you have listened to it well and you want to send it, click on the circular icon with a white arrow in the bottom corner of the screen.

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How To Record A WhatsApp Audio With A Handsfree

You already know how to listen to WhatsApp audios before sending them, but now we are going to show you another interesting utility, how to record WhatsApp audio with the hands-free.

This is something quite simple but very useful. All you have to do is access the individual or group chat where you want to send the audio. Then click on the microphone icon and slide it up to the lock. You can then record the audio without having to touch the phone.

When you are done, click on the red square icon to stop the recording. Listen to it by pressing play and then send it or repeat it if you are not convinced enough.

How To Delete WhatsApp Audios After Sending Them

If you have sent audio in a chat, but it has not convinced you at all and you need to know how to delete WhatsApp audios after sending them, we explain to you what you have to do, it will not take you much time.

To delete WhatsApp audios that have already been sent, go to the individual or group chat where the audio is. Then press and hold the audio and in the menu that appears choose “Delete”. WhatsApp will now ask you if you want to delete it for all conversations or just for you. Click on one of the two options. Then the audio will be deleted.

Where Are WhatsApp Audios Saved On My Mobile?

You already know how to listen to WhatsApp audios before sending them, but you may be wondering: Where are WhatsApp audios saved on my mobile? We try to answer this question.

WhatsApp audios are saved in the internal storage memory of your device. If you have an Android phone, you can access it by going to “Settings”, then “storage” and then “internal storage”. Then you will have to look for it inside the folders.

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