WhatsApp has a viewing history in its Status mode. By default, the feature prevents these contents from being viewed anonymously by informing the user of a list of viewers. There is, however, a way to browse through friends’ statuses without leaving any traces. With that in mind, we have prepared a tutorial where we show you how to view WhatsApp statuses anonymously.
Have you ever thought of viewing friends’ statuses without them noticing? Many users do not know, but this action is possible without the need to use third-party apps or software. The native feature allows you to browse the status of any person in anonymous mode, preventing your name from appearing in their history.
This possibility is an alternative for users who value discretion when using the internet and services linked to the network. The possibility of anonymous surfing is offered by technology companies to meet the demand of people who do not like to expose themselves on the Internet. And it was attentive to this profile that WhatsApp released the feature in temporary mode.
Below, we will go into more detail about the Status mode and its main benefits. Also, we will contextualize how activating the anonymous mode can help you in your messenger routine.
What is WhatsApp Status
WhatsApp Status is a tool that allows you to share content that is available for 24 hours. The feature is widely used by content creators, companies with messenger operations and people who want to share their moments with contacts on their phones.
It may seem silly, but many users prefer to use social networks and messengers anonymously. As happens on Instagram, the status of WhatsApp was created so that content is available for a certain time and with the possibility of knowing who opened a particular video or photo published.
Is it worth being invisible on WhatsApp Status?
Unlike the photo network, WhatsApp offers the possibility of anonymous browsing in the status. This feature is very important for people who like to stalk their friends. Being anonymous can ensure that the watched user never knows that you viewed a certain temporary content.
The feature is also important for users who do not like to show that they are online on WhatsApp. Those who prefer to remain invisible to their contacts can choose to activate the feature that we will teach. This way, besides not offering the marking of viewed messages, anonymous browsing will be guaranteed in Status.
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How to use WhatsApp Status
The feature follows the same logic as Instagram’s Stories and Facebook’s Stories. More attentive users may notice that this type of posting is older. Temporary content gained notoriety with the advent of the social network Snapchat. The same app was the basis for other networks to emerge, such as TikTok.
WhatsApp Status mode is very simple to use. The user must open the app on their phone and tap on the “Status” option. The action will launch the page dedicated to the feature and you can view content published by your contacts. The tool to create your own status is released by clicking on “My Status”.
Who can view WhatsApp Status?
WhatsApp Status will not show up for everyone who has an account on the app. This, by the way, is the biggest difference compared to Facebook or Instagram, even though these networks allow you to create closed accounts. In WhatsApp, there is a very important point that prevents the content from appearing to everyone.
Imagine posting a personal video or a friends’ get-together and that content reaching strangers? Since WhatsApp is not a social network, this simply does not happen. The Status is available to whoever has the contact of a person on their phone. This feature greatly limits the reach of the content and can give users more privacy.
How to anonymously view WhatsApp Status
The procedure is simpler than many users think. In fact, the feature is linked to a native function of the messenger. When the read confirmation is disabled, the anonymous status view will be enabled and you will be able to browse the history of all users without leaving a trace.
Here’s how to do it on your Android phone or iPhone (iOS).
- Open WhatsApp and click on the three dots icon on the screen;
- At this point, go to “Settings” if your device is Android. On iPhone, tap on “Settings“;
- To continue, tap on the “Account” option;
- Go to “Privacy” to check the advanced features;
- Once this is done, disable the “Read receipts” feature.
Done. Don’t forget that by turning off read confirmation you will no longer know that the contact has read your messages. You can also deactivate the feature, view statuses anonymously and then turn the feature back on to continue knowing when someone has read your messages.
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