
Put all Notifications to Silent while listening Music

You may be a music addict like, I like to listen music all the day, and just right before sleep. Whether your insane for music or not, but I’m pretty sure that just like me, you don’t like any kind for interrupt while listening music. In our Android device, we can put our handset on silent mode, but still when someone message you or is there any notification appears on notification bar while listing music, the music goes pause for very time, and then continues to play again.

These Notifications produce interrupts during listening music which is somewhat irritate us, and it cannot be disabled. To get over this problem, Trent Pierce has distributed an application through which one can easily put all the notifications complete silence mode, so they won’t be interrupting your any more while playing music or watching movies. The name application is “Don’t Pause“, that simply means an interrupt free music.

This application is very easy to use, and needed no configuration to get started. Just once you install and start, it will start doing its work without needing your intention. No need to bother further with notification during music play.

Don’t Pause Video Preview

It is completely free to download, and use. Get it on → Google Play Store. The user interface is very simple, there are just two buttons, one to start the app, and another to stop it. There are also some few just like it, but they need a configuration to start, simply need a good intention from users. But there is no need to configure, developers had done it already to make it very simple.

But unfortunately, this app can only be used on Android phone running on Android 4.1 and up version, this app don’t work on old version. This may be act as speed breaker, because currently, there are many devices which haven’t been opted for Android 4.0, and Android 4.1 operating system. However, those user who has the demanded requirements can enjoy this useful app. The application is only about 1.2 MB, and will not grabbing high space on your phone.

Install, and use this app to get interrupt free experience of listening music on Android phone. Apart from this app, you can have more fun with your phone, just like you can turn your phone’s lock screen to a creative games with Joy Locker and much more. Being with us for more future updates, and posts.

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