

WhatsApp is the tool for your startup and brand to easily sell your products or services, and make money.

WhatsApp can make you more money than everything you sell on Instagram… Ah, you don’t believe me. Yeah, I get it. We have an app to chat with friends and see their stories and profile picture changes.

But not you. You are going to learn something that will open your eyes. WhatsApp is the tool for your startup and brand to easily sell your products or services, and make money.

I’ll show you by explaining five ways WhatsApp can boost your monthly earnings. I don’t need to convince you; this is not an exaggeration. You’ve already experienced it when shopping online, particularly through Instagram.

How to make money with WhatsApp.

If you believe this app is only for chatting and sharing memes, get ready to be amazed by its hidden features. Because now you are going to discover the hidden power of WhatsApp that not everyone knows.

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1. Using catalogs to sell.

Use WhatsApp Business for a great hook, or you’ll miss out!

I’m sure you’ve read it many times. Nowadays, people expect quick responses to their messages. Just responding promptly is not enough anymore. You must also be able to show what you can offer easily and quickly.

It is not only recommended, you need to create a catalog of your products to make money on WhatsApp.

First, it will give the user a much more professional image of your business. Second, at a certain point, people get tired of asking so many questions. Give them at once an alternative to see what you can sell them with price and some description.

Creating a catalog on WhatsApp is easy; no need for external programs or design skills. However, you will need it to create the images you want to showcase.

Try WhatsApp catalogs to simplify selling and make more money with this app.

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2. Combine WhatsApp with marketing

WhatsApp tools flaunt frappé, but wreck the wallets of mortals who can’t afford it.

Those who sell and know how to do it will use tools for customers who splurge.

This app isn’t just for chatting with friends or getting pictures from your aunt. It is a communication medium that can work alongside marketing if used effectively.

A well-planned marketing strategy will be able to make you a lot of money through WhatsApp. Home-based businesses can sell enough without requiring a physical location.

Stories are perfect for advertising products, offers, and promotions.

With stories, you can publish videos that serve as good publicity so that people dare to ask.

Chains are effective to send to loyal customers so they know what you offer.

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3. Make advisories and consultations

Let’s be honest, who still uses Skype today with all that WhatsApp offers nowadays? Most of us use WhatsApp for calls and video calls, but some still use Skype.

And there you have it!

You can use another feature in WhatsApp to generate monthly income.

If you’re knowledgeable in a subject, don’t hesitate to offer consultations via WhatsApp.

Nowadays many people are willing to pay for courses and consultancies. Since like you at the time, they are looking to learn and grow. Some want to learn more about their studies, while others want to start their own business.

Make the most of the knowledge you have. Share it. Use it to make money with the help of WhatsApp.

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4. Selling products

It was inevitable. At some point, we had to get to the most cliché part of the most effective ways to monetize with WhatsApp.

The main reason why this app is so widely used to sell online. The contact with your customer is much more direct, and that is much more comfortable for him. And a comfortable customer is more likely to make a purchase.

If you want to dedicate a department for online sales in your business, do it through WhatsApp. Don’t bother with the Instagram message tray. It’s boring and lacks the features of WhatsApp to improve your customer service.

For home businesses that are still growing and don’t have premises, it’s perfect. You simply have no excuse for not selling to people.

WhatsApp gives you everything you need to make $100 a week selling cakes, for example.

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5. Create and/or sell premium content

Have you ever watched a YouTube video and been asked to join as a member at the end or during the video?

On this red platform that not only means supporting the content creator monetarily. But you can have access to exclusive member-only content. That’s right, premium content.

With WhatsApp, you can do the same.

Maybe you’re already on one. I at least pay $1 a month to be in an exclusive content group that belongs to a cactus store… Yes, I like cacti.

I’m sure you’re already visualizing it. This is something that serves as a perfect example for your business or brand. Create a group for exclusive content based on what you offer.

Don’t limit yourself, this can be applied to various types of businesses if you know how to do it. It will take some thought, but it’s worth it. Imagine you create a group of 30 people and charge $1, that’s $30 easy.

Just make sure you offer quality content, something worth paying $1 or $5 for.

You can’t make excuses anymore. Before, you could forgive yourself for not knowing very well how to use each tool.

After reading this article, your WhatsApp can easily earn money without any investment.

Use stories to offer promotions and new things. Send chains to your most loyal customers. Create your catalogs. Don’t stop there! Think about how to impact users and sell more through WhatsApp.

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